Healthy living tips from Evie - nutrition, movement, mindset and happiness.

Making healthier choices

Guilt-Free Guide to eating out

June 06, 20243 min read

You are trying to live a healthier life and every time you get into a new eating routine, a social event comes up and you feel like all your efforts will be for nothing.

You start feeling guilty and kind of ruin a nice evening for yourself.

Has that ever happened to you?

Don't worry, the fact that you're trying to bee healthy doesn't mean you can't go out and enjoy yourself!

I have a few easy tips for you to make this a little bit easier:

  1. Look at the menu ahead of time

check menu, healthier food

If you wait until you get there, chances are you are going to be tempted by the delicious smells and recommendations from your friends or staff members. Pull up the menu when you are not hungry and choose what to have while you are out. Don't open the menu once you arrive at the restaurant, you've already made the best choice!

2. Start with a side salad

start with a side salad

Starting with leafy greens helps your body slow down the absorption of food and leads to less of a blood sugar spike. In addition this will help fill you up so you don't overeat when the rest of your meal arrives.

3. Drink vinegar and water before leaving the house

olive oil

Drinking vinegar with water before meals has been shown to suppress the release of insulin as well as reduce post meal blood sugar levels. It has also been shown to improve satiety and reduce appetite. Try putting one tablespoon of vinegar in your water before going out to eat. I usually have a glass of sparkling water with ice and use apple cider vinegar, it tastes quite nice actually...

4. Ask for double vegetable

vegetable, double, healthier choice

Rather than getting the rice, potato, or pasta with your meal, ask for twice the amount of the vegetable side. This can help not only reduce your calorie intake but also increase your fibre intake, lower blood sugar levels, and make you feel full faster.

5. Request for your food to be cooked with olive oil

olive oil

Most restaurants have olive oil on hand but they often cook with cheaper and more processed oils to improve their bottom line. Ask for your food to be cooked with olive oil to reduce inflammatory properties of your meal. It might not always be possible, but worth trying, right?

6. Get a decaf coffee for dessert

decaf coffee instead of dessert

If the company you are with wants to stay for dessert, you don't just have to watch them eat and feel awkward. Say you are full but ask for a decaf coffee so that you can enjoy the company without feeling left out.

7. Ask for the sauce on the side

sauce, on the side, healthier

Often times the sauce that comes with your meal is the most calorie dense and unhealthy part of the meal. Ask for the sauce on the side and use only half or as little as you need. This will significantly reduce your calorie intake without ruining the meal.

8. Eat normally during the day before going out

don't starve yourself, eating normally

Don't starve yourself all day to "save your calories" for when you go out. This will only cause you to make unhealthy choices and eat more than you need. Make sure to have healthy nutrient dense meals as you normally would before you go out to eat.

You might not be able to use all of these tips, but even some of them will be a win. Don't worry about making a fuss in the restaurant either, most of these won't even get noticed.

Getting into some mindset work will also help you, to step into your new identity of the kind of person who is not afraid to show who they are and own their personal growth in any situation.

If this is something you'd like help with, I'm available for a Free Wellness Audit Zoom call, just CLICK HERE to pop it in your calendar.

You can also get some free resources and accountability in my Free Facebook Group, link to The Wellness Tribe is here for you.

Stay Fabulous!

In your corner

Evie x

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